A couple of weeks ago the VA realized they were double-medicating me and had me stop taking the antidepressants they prescribed me for nerve pain. The medicine I take for tremors also treats nerve pain and so the antidepressant was unnecessary. The problem with stopping antidepressants are the severe withdrawal symptoms. I suffered from dizziness, … Read More “Head in the Clouds” »
Year: 2018
I don’t have the energy or time to moderate comments. Sorry. If you with to comment, I posted this on social media. Pick that platform to provide feedback. Also, to keep my level of spam down, I have removed all contact info from the site. I’ll add socal media info later.
The Great Recession hit me hard. On August 4, 2010, I lost my job during a workforce reduction that took out 30% of the employees at the company I worked. I figured it would not be that big of a deal. In 2006, I found that job after only looking for a month. Two years … Read More “Climbing Out” »